
Jessica Lee

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4 weeks ago by Jessica Lee

Your Guide to the Insured Cash Sweep (ICS)

Bank failures are a potential threat and a real fear for many people. That’s why many turn to an insured cash sweep (ICS) to manage and maximize their savings across...

7 months ago by Jessica Lee

Stock Diversification: How Many Stocks Make an Ideal Portfolio

Diving into the world of stock investing? Great! The first puzzle to solve: How many stocks should I own? It’s a simple question with complex answers. Too few, and you’re...

8 months ago by Jessica Lee

Recession and the Stock Market: What Happens to the Stock Market in a Recession

The year 2007 saw the stock market at its peak, a bustling hub of optimism where investors watched their portfolios soar. Fast forward to 2008, and the picture dramatically changed....